Where I Stand
Faith is the fundamental component of my life. I was raised at Latonia Christian Church in Latonia and have attended Lakeside Christian and Hickory Grove Baptist since. I believe that all humans are created equal in the eyes of God and that their lives deserve the respect and dignity endowed in the human soul by their creator.
As the Chairman of the Senate’s Appropriations and Revenue Committee, I am responsible for drafting and then negotiating the Senate’s version of the Kentucky’s $63 billion biennial budget. Every dollar that government spends is a dollar collected from its citizens. You, the taxpayers of this state, work tirelessly to provide for your families with your those hard-earned dollars, and I am focused on making sure every cent you send to Frankfort is spent wisely and sparingly. Additionally, it is important that Frankfort return those hard-earned dollars to our region, and I work diligently to make sure that happens year after year.
Taxes, though loved by none, must be paid in order to provide the services we need—like roads, schools, jails, foster/adoptive services and more. To that end, I have spearheaded efforts to reduce the tax burden on everyday Kentuckians by lowering the personal income tax to 5% (a 16% reduction). The ability to do this comes with the experience and committee oversight I have provided in my eight years of service to Kenton County in the State Senate.
I have been a vocal advocate for education in Frankfort and a leader in ensuring its funding since I was elected. Whether through fully funding teacher pensions, passing the highest SEEK allocation in the history of Kentucky, or investing in school safety, I have helped ensure that when critical items like education are discussed, there is money available to make the necessary investments.

Human life begins at conception and I will be an unabashed supporter for it. Whether born or unborn, each person deserves an equal chance to live and live life to its fullest. As a foster and adoptive parent, I know many children are born into difficult circumstances—and I also know there are countless loving homes ready and waiting to welcome them. Every life deserves the chance to be lived to its fullest.
Protecting our Youth
After students from a local school were incorrectly and inappropriately targeted by national media and then on social media from around the world, they began getting death threats - including threats to their family-and their personal information was put on the internet. That’s why I filed Kentucky’s first anti-doxxing bill, which would protect minors from online abuse at the hands of those intending to do them harm.
Combatting Heroin
For years, heroin was a scourge in our community, and I remain determined to do my part to help change that. From 2014-2015, as a junior member of the State Senate, I travelled the state meeting with law enforcement, the recovery community, addicts, and family members then drafted, negotiated, and passed the first comprehensive plan for combatting heroin by having compassion for users and bringing the hammer down on dealers. With our nationwide model approach, we have dramatically reduced the deaths and dependence on heroin in our region and Commonwealth.
As Chairman of the Senate’s Appropriations and Revenue Committee, I have worked to ensure that Northern Kentucky receives its fair share from Frankfort. Whether it is improvements to Hands Pike, the turn lane on Beechwood, straightening 536, and many more, I have been at the forefront of making sure that our infrastructure allows us to remain competitive in the 21st Century.